Saturday 12 March 2016

Primark Candles | FreshOutTheRunway

Are they worth buying?

Hey guys!
I've always loved Primark and their home section, so recently I took a trip and noticed they were selling these candles for £1.00 each. As my room is black and white, I thought they would look cute and add a pop of colour. I don't normally buy candles but these were hard to resist.

They burn for 16hrs in total and the range that Primark has is amazing. I love the smell once you open the lids, however once they begin to burn there isn't much of a smell given off. For the price they are great candles and I will be re-purchasing more of these.

The candles I bought were:
Pink Grapefruit
Lotus Flower
Sea Salt and Lavender
Summer Rain and Forest Berries

My favourite is defiantly Summer Rain and Forest Berries, it smells fresh and reminds me of the sea. Also, I like the Sea Salt and Lavender, it's Hollister In a candle.

Love,Chloe x